1966 |
The Ethnography of the Dusun-speaking Peoples
of Sabah. Sarawak Museum Journal 14:376-88. |
1966 |
The Structure of District Administration, Anti-administration
Activity and Political Instability. Human Organization 25:312-20. |
1967 |
Ethnography of Northern Borneo: Critical Review of Some Recent
Publications. Oceania 37:178-85. |
1968 |
Ethnographic Profiles of the Dusun-speaking Peoples of Sabah,
Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Branch Royal Asiatic Society
41:131-47. |
1968 |
The Penis Pin at Peabody Museum, Harvard University. Journal
of the Malaysian Branch Royal Asiatic Society 41:203-5. |
1968 |
A Survey of the Social and Medical Anthropology of Sabah:
Retrospect and Prospect. Behavior Science Notes 3:1-54. |
1968 |
The Dusun Languages of Northern Borneo: Rungus Dusun and Related
Problems. Oceanic Linguistics 7:1-15. |
1968 |
Social and Medical Anthropology of Sabah: Retrospect and Prospect.
Sabah Society Journal 3:247-86. |
1968 |
Ethnographic Profiles of the Dusun-speaking Peoples of Sabah,
Malaysia. Journal of the Malaysian Branch Royal Asiatic Society
41:131-47. |
1969 |
Social Anthropological Research in Borneo. Anthropologia (Ottawa)
11:45-57. |
1969 |
Inventory of Urgent Anthropological Research for Borneo: I.
Borneo Research Bulletin 1:10-12. |
1969 |
The Status of Research Among the Northern and Southern Murut.
Borneo Research Bulletin 1:18-21. |
1969 |
Studies of the Tausug (Suluk) and Samal-speaking Populations
Of Sabah and the Southern Philippines. Borneo Research Bulletin
1:21-23. |
1969 |
The Peoples of Sabah: Planning and Preparation of an Ethnographic
Map. Sabah Society Journal 5:73-74. |
1969 |
Early American Adventurers in Borneo. Journal of the Malaysian
Branch Royal Asiatic Society 42:220-21. |
1970 |
Inventory of Urgent Anthropological Research for Borneo: II.
Borneo Research Bulletin 2:5-7. |
1970 |
Kalimantan Timber Concessions Pose Challenge to Urgent Research.
Borneo Research Bulletin 2:16-17. |
1970 |
The Genetic Erosion of the Indigenous Cultivars of Borneo
and the Salvaging of Valuable Germ Plasm. Borneo Research Bulletin
2:17-19. |
1970 |
The Genetic Erosion of the Indigenous Cultivars of Borneo.
Plant Introduction Newsletter 23:25-26. |
1970 |
Ethnographic Notes on the Iranon Maranao (Illanun) of the
Kudat District, Sabah. Sabah Museum Journal 5:77-82. |
1971 |
Systems of Land Tenure in Borneo: A Problem in Ecological
Determinism. Borneo Research Bulletin 3:17-20. |
1971 |
Request for Information on Tumbaga, a Gold-Copper Alloy. Borneo
Research Bulletin 3:27. |
1973 |
Mammals of Borneo Whose Survival is Threatened. Borneo Research
Bulletin 5:64-66. |
1976 |
Introduction: Borneo Ethnography and Contributions to this
Volume. In Studies in Borneo Societies: Social Process and Anthropological
Explanation, edited by G. N. Appell. Center for Southeast Asian
Studies Special Report. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University. |
1976 |
Social Science Research in Sarawak. In Studies in Borneo Societies:
Social Process and Anthropological Explanation, edited by G.
N. Appell. Center for Southeast Asian Studies Special Report.
DeKalb: Northern Illinois University. |
1976 |
The Rungus Dusun and Other Dusunic Groups. In Insular Southeast
Asia: Ethnographic Studies. Section 3: Borneo and Moluccas.
HRAFLEX Books AL1-003, Ethnographic Series. New Haven: Human
Relations Area Files. |
1977 |
The Status of Social Science Research in Sarawak and Its Relevance
for Development. In Sarawak: Research and Theory. Studies In
Third World Societies No.2:1-90. |
1978 |
Introduction. In The Status of Social Science Research in
Borneo, edited by G. N. Appell. Southeast Asia Program Data
Paper 109. Ithaca: Cornell University. |
1978 |
The Status of Social-Anthropological Research in Borneo. In
The Status of Social Science Research in Borneo, edited by G.
N. Appell and Leigh Wright. Southeast Asia Program Data Paper
109. Ithaca: Cornell University. |
1983 |
Ethnic Groups in the Northeast Region of Indonesian Borneo
and Their Social Organizations. Borneo Research Bulletin 15:38-45. |
1985 |
Preface: The Uses of Anthropological Inquiry. In Resettlement
of Peoples in Indonesian Borneo: The Social Anthropology of
Administered Peoples, edited by G. N. Appell. Borneo Research
Bulletin 17:4-5. |
1985 |
Introduction: Theoretical Issues in the Study of Reservations
and Resettlement. In Resettlement of Peoples in Indonesian Borneo:
The Social Anthropology of Administered Peoples edited by G.
N. Appell. Borneo Research Bulletin 17:5-9. |
1985 |
Resettlement of Peoples in Indonesian Borneo: The Social Anthropology
of Administered Peoples edited by G. N. Appell. Borneo Research
Bulletin 17:3-21. |
1986 |
Borneo Research Council Program for Research in Sabah. Borneo
Research Bulletin 18:175-82. |
1986 |
Borneo Research Council Program for Research in Sabah. Borneo
Research Bulletin 18:175-82. |
1986 |
The Future of the Borneo Research Bulletin. Borneo Research
Bulletin 18:118, 214-15. |
1986 |
Kayan Land Tenure and the Distribution of Devolvable Usufruct
in Borneo. Borneo Research Bulletin 18:119-30. |
1987 |
Social Science Dissertations in Borneo. Borneo Research Bulletin
19:182-89. |
1990 |
The Tradition of Scientific Enquiry in Sarawak and the Borneo
Research Council. Borneo Research Bulletin 22:177-79. |
1990 |
A Brief History of the Borneo Research Council. Borneo Research
Bulletin 22:184-89. |
1990 |
Guide to the Varieties of Oral Literature Found in Borneo.
Borneo Research Bulletin 22:98-113. |
1990 |
The Borneo Research Council Distinguished Service Medal for
the Advancement of Scientific Knowledge Awarded to the Honorable
Datuk Amar Leonard Linggi Tun Jugah. Borneo Research Bulletin
22:199-200. |
1990 |
The Jural Personality of the Village in the Societies of Borneo.
Working Paper 4. Phillips, ME: Social Transformation and Adaptation
Research Institute. |
1991 |
Errors in Borneo Ethnography: Part I. Borneo Research Bulletin
23:85-99. |
1991 |
Urgent Ethnographic Research Problems in Sabah. Borneo Research
Bulletin 23:139-51. |
1991 |
Resource Management Regimes Among the Swidden Agriculturalists
of Borneo: Does the Concept of Common Property Adequately Map
Indigenous Systems of Ownership? Working Paper 5. Phillips,
ME: Social Transformation and Adaptation Research Institute. |
1992 |
Ecological Approaches to Rural Development. In Proceedings
of the International Conference on Forest Biology and Conservation
in Borneo, July 30 - August 3, 1990, edited by Ghazally Ismail,
Murtedza Mohamed, and Siraj Omar. Center for Borneo Studies
Publication No. 2. Kota Kinabalu: Yayasan Sabah. |
1992 |
The Sabah Oral Literature Project: Report for the Period 1986
to 1992. Working Paper 7. Phillips, ME: Social Transformation
and Adaptation Research Institute. |
1992 |
Errors in Borneo Ethnography: Part II. Borneo Research Bulletin
24:79-85. |
1992 |
Opening Address to the 2nd Biennial Confernce of the Borneo
Research Council. Borneo Research Bulletin 24:152-56. |
1992 |
Recent Activities of the Borneo Research Council. Borneo Research
Bulletin 24:157-64. |
1994 |
Welcoming Address from Dr. George N. Appell, President of
the Borneo Research Council, Inc. Borneo Research Council Fourth
International Conference, Borneo Research Bulletin 26:118-21. |
1994 |
Highlights of the Conference Closing Remarks. Borneo Research
Bulletin 26:140-41 |
1996 |
The Sabah Oral Literature Project: Report for the Period 1986
to 1995. Borneo Research Bulletin 27:140-46. |
1997 |
The History of Research on Traditional Land Tenure and Tree
Ownership in Borneo. Borneo Research Bulletin 28:82-98. |
1997 |
Welcoming Address from the President of the Borneo Research
Council. Borneo Research Bulletin 28:142-47. |
2001 |
Interethnic Conflict in Borneo: The Consequences of Failed
Development Projects, the Indonesian Government's Colonization
and World Bank Financing. Anthropology News Volume 42, No. 6
(September):20-21. |
2001 |
Iban Studies; Their Contribution to Social Theory and the
Ethnography of Other Borneo Societies. In The Encyclopaedia
of Iban Studies, Volume III, Joanne and Vinson H. Sutlive, General
Editor. Kuching: Tun Jugah Foundation and the Borneo Research
Council. |
2002 |
The Bidayuh Films of Professor William R. Geddes. Borneo Research
Bulletin 33:133-176. |
2004 |
Kadazan-Dusun. Southeast Asia: A Historical Encyclopedia,
Keat Gin Ooi, ed. Santa Barbara: ABC CLIO. |
Appell, G. N. (editor) |
1968 |
The Journal of James Austin Wilder During His Visit to Sarawak
in 1896?I. Sarawak Museum Journal 16:407-34. |
1969 |
The Journal of James Austin Wilder During His Visit to Sarawak
in 1896?II. Sarawak Museum Journal 17:315-35. |
1985 |
Resettlement of Peoples in Indonesian Borneo: The Social Anthropology
of Administered Peoples, edited by G. N. Appell. Borneo Research
Bulletin 17:3-21. |
Appell, G. N. and Robert Harrison |
1969 |
The Ethnographic Classification of the Dusun-speaking Peoples
of Northern Borneo. Ethnology 8:212-27. |
Appell, G. N. and Clifford A. Sather |
1970 |
Query on Illanun Kinship Terms. Sabah Society Journal 5:149. |
Appell, G. N., Clifford Sather and Reed L. Wadley |
2001 |
Sacred Places, Sacred Sites and Memorial Groves. In The Encyclopaedia
of Iban Studies, Volume III, Joanne and Vinson H. Sutlive, General
Editor. Kuching: Tun Jugah Foundation and the Borneo Research
Council. |
Baer, A. and G. N. Appell |
1996 |
Borneo Biomedical Bibliography. Borneo Research Bulletin 27:77-89. |
Sutlive, Vinson H., Jr., and G. N. Appell |
1991 |
Introduction. In Female and Male in Borneo: Contributions
and Challenges to Gender Studies, edited by Vinson H. Sutlive,
Jr. Borneo Research Council Monograph Series Volume 1. Williamsburg:
Borneo Research Council. |