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Edited Volumes
Appell, G. N. (editor)
1976 The Societies of Borneo: Explorations in the Theory of Cognatic Social Structure. Special Publication 6. Washington: American Anthropological Association.
1976 Studies in Borneo Societies: Social Process and Anthropological Explanation. Center for Southeast Asian Studies Special Report. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University.
1985 Modernization and the Emergence of a Landless Peasantry: Essays on the Integration of Peripheries to Socioeconomic Centers. Studies in Third World Societies Publication No. 33. Williamsburg, Virginia: Studies in Third World Societies.
Appell, G. N. and T. N. Madan (editors)
1988 Choice and Morality in Anthropological Perspective: Essays in Honor of Professor Derek Freeman. Buffalo: State University of New York Press.
Appell, G. N. and Leigh Wright (editors)
1978 The Status of Social Science Research in Borneo. Southeast Asia Program Data Paper 109. Ithaca: Cornell University.